Activities 2023


Thanksgiving Day

On the 10th of December, we joyfully gathered in our church to celebrate Thanksgiving at Christian Family International. It was a day filled with gratitude, "testimonies, and heartfelt praise as approximately 25 members joined in this special occasion.

Expressions of Gratitude:
Members took turns sharing personal stories of gratitude, recounting in many ways in which God had shown His faithfulness throughout 2023. From victories like obtaining passports to the profound blessings of the gift of life and the wellbeing of families and healings from different kinds of illnesses, each testimony was a testament to God's kindness and goodness.

Praise and Worship:
Our worship segment was a lively blend of joyous songs and celebratory dance, creating an atmosphere of spirited praise. The melodies echoed with heartfelt expressions of thanks, allowing the congregation to collectively appreciate the goodness of our Heavenly Father.

Shared Fellowship and Feast:
The service concluded with a shared meal, fostering fellowship and camaraderie among our members. Laughter, stories, and the sharing of dishes encapsulated the spirit of togetherness that characterizes Christian Family International.

A Journey of Gratitude:
In essence, our Thanksgiving service was not just an event; it was a collective journey of gratitude through stories, songs, and shared moments. The joy and appreciation expressed by our members stand as a vibrant reflection of the thankful spirit within our church community.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making our Thanksgiving celebration on December 10th a memorable and joy-filled occasion for Christian Family International.

Christmas action

I am pleased to provide you with a report on the funds received for our Christmas assistance program, "Help the Needy”. This program aims to extend help in various forms to individuals in need, irrespective of their race, nationality, religion, gender, or socioeconomic status.

The Christmas season embodies the spirit of love, giving, and community-building. It serves as a reminder to extend a helping hand to those who are less fortunate, thereby fostering inclusivity and compassion within society. Through our program, we strive to bridge gaps and demonstrate the universal values of kindness and empathy.

We are immensely grateful for the support received from SOFAK during the kerstactie (Christmas action) month. Their generous contribution enabled us to bring joy and relief to individuals facing various challenges, allowing us to make a meaningful impact in their lives. With their assistance, we were able to provide essential aid and support to those in need, offering a beacon of hope during the holiday season.

The assistance rendered through this program would not have been possible without the collective efforts and generosity of our supporters. Your contributions have helped us in our mission to spread love, compassion, and care, reflecting the teachings of Christ Jesus.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who have contributed to this cause and helped make a positive difference in the lives of others. Together, we have demonstrated the power of kindness and solidarity, embodying the true spirit of the holiday season.

Thank you once again for your invaluable support and partnership.


On the 24th of December, our church radiated with warmth and joy as we came together to celebrate our yearly Love Feast at Christian Family International. Approximately 25-30 people attended this heartwarming event, marking the eve of Christmas with a special gathering to appreciate the love we share as a church family.

Festive Atmosphere and Attendees:
The Love Feast commenced in a festive atmosphere, with the church adorned in the spirit of Christmas. About 25-30 individuals joined in creating an intimate and joyful environment.

Praises and Worship:
The celebration began with praises and worship, resonating with expressions of love and gratitude. The melodies filled the air, setting the stage for a unified and joyous celebration.

Dance and Christmas Jubilation:
The gathering embraced the spirit of the season with lively dance, infusing the day with happiness and excitement. As we celebrated the love within our church, the anticipation of Christmas added an extra layer of joy to the festivities.
Therefore seeing the commandment of our Lord being practiced among souls "Love Your Neighbour as Yourself"

Gift Exchange and Presents:
A special highlight of the Love Feast was the exchange of presents among church members and given of gifts to the church members. The act of giving and receiving gifts became a beautiful expression of our interconnectedness and shared affection.

Communal Feast with Diverse Delights:
Following the heartwarming moments, everyone contributed to a communal feast by bringing delectable dishes. From pasta and fried rice to pigs in a blanket to add to what the church has provided, the array of food showcased the diversity of our church family. Laughter and joy echoed as we shared in the abundance of flavors, further strengthening our sense of community.

In essence, the Love Feast on the 24th of December was a memorable and joy-filled occasion. The combination of worship, dance, gift exchange, and a communal feast painted a vibrant picture of love and appreciation within Christian Family International.

A heartfelt thank you to all who contributed to making this Love Feast a delightful pre-Christmas celebration.